Outdoor Office Day is not just a day, it is a movement! Make #urbannature and being active a regular part of your working day. With our platform, events, stories, social media and research we put the spotlight on like minded people and organisations who believe there’s a better way to work: being active and connected with urban nature.
we are building this platform thanks to your support
This work is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International
#OutdoorOfficeDay 2025 will be taking place on June 12th. Would you like more information, or would you like to partner with us? Do you have questions or suggestions? Do you have ideas for an #OutdoorOfficeDay event? Outdoor Office Day is an initiative of social enterprise Nature Desks: we connect urban nature, work and wellbeing.
in the news
Beeld: Carly Wollaert
Achtergrondinformatie / Background information
Ecopsychology: How Immersion in Nature Benefits Your Health - YALE ENVIRONMENT 360
The Nature Connected Organisations Handbook - Finding Nature
The science behind creativity - American Psychological Association
Cells of people living in greener areas age more slowly - The Guardian
The nature cure: how time outdoors transforms our memory, imagination and logic - The Guardian
How more of us are leaving screens behind to work outdoors - BBC
‘A breath of fresh air’: Outdoor workspaces are having a post-pandemic moment
How to Move Your Home Office Outside—And Make the Most of It - Wirecutter
Why You Should Tell Your Team to Take a Break and Go Outside - HBR
and older articles from The Washington Post, BBC, De Nieuwe Draai, The New York Times, Thuiswerktip: wandelend vergaderen is goed voor de creativiteit, De Groene Stad, Into green, The Atlantic, Be an outsider at work, The Guardian, Slate.
Research: Walking being, Natuur is gezond, Beetje natuur, grote invloed (Mark Mieras in opdracht van IVN – Instituut voor natuureducatie en duurzaamheid), Natuur en Gezondheid, Alterra, OPENspace, Groen Kennisnet, American Psychological Association.